Supervisor Paul Roen has placed the “community clean up day” proposal on the Board of Supervisors agenda for today’s (April 19) meeting in Loyalton. Based on Board actions for previous projects of a similar nature, we are expecting the remainder of the Board to support his request. We’ll keep you posted about the outcome of this.
Sierra County also has a household hazardous waste clean-up event that is being planned for October 2016. And a tire amnesty program is in the works for two county wide events, one in the spring to early summer of this year and one in the fall. The two events propose to use the California Conservation Corps as a source of labor and some equipment in addition to those resources that may come from the current disposal contractor and from the County. This program is supported in part by a grant that the county was able to access earlier in the year.
Finally, at today’s Board of Supervisors meeting, there will be a presentation a USDA staffer who will inform the Board and those attending, the various new grant and loan programs available to County residents for housing acquisition, housing rehabilitation and repairs, community facilities, and water and wastewater (public) systems.