The first Sierraville Community Clean Up Day is happening this Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Here are details and specifics as provided by Sierra County:
Sierraville Community Clean Up Day
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.
WHO: Properties within the town of Sierraville
WHAT: Curbside pick-up of large wood waste, large bulky items, metals, tires and appliances
COST: No cost to the property owner
Waste types may not be mixed. Dimension lumber and construction demo, large branches, large bulky items (furniture, cabinets, dog houses, etc.), tires, (with or without rims), pipe, tin, metals, appliances all must be in separate piles on the curb or immediately within the front yard of residences, and must be clearly marked for pickup. Do not stockpile materials in the traveled way of any street or alley. These items will be loaded by volunteers during the day for transportation to the landfill.
Large bins will be staged at the Sierraville Fire Department and owners may bring waste to that site in lieu of waiting for curbside pick up during the day. Dimension lumber and large branches need to be cut into 4 to 8 foot (maximum) lengths and secured with string/rope when possible before placing at the curb. Other green waste (pine needles, leaves, brush clippings, trimmings, and related waste) will not be picked up at the curb and must be transported and deposited by the owners to the County Road Maintenance Yard on No. Battelle Street/SR 49. Do not mix waste types-please keep separated.
Waste Not Accepted: Hazardous wastes, liquids, E-waste (computers, televisions, etc), fluids, paints, cleaners, or household/wet garbage will not be removed/picked-up. Materials that are not defined as acceptable and/or approved materials will be left on the property.
Self Haul Only: All vehicles, campers, trailers and mobile homes that you wish to dispose must be self hauled by the property owner to the Loyalton Landfill. Fees will be waived for this day but vehicles must be free of any oils and fluids and upon verification of this condition, vehicles will be accepted at the landfill for processing and demolition. Certificates of Title documents are required from vehicle owners. Vehicles, campers, trailers, and mobile-homes will not be picked up nor hauled as part of this clean-up event, however they may be delivered to the Loyalton Landfill on June 25, 2016 as part of this program and County fees will be waived. Hauling is the responsibility of the owner/disposer.
Information: Log onto Sierraville.org or call 530-559-5275 or Sierra County at 530-289-3201.