Sierra County has now opened vaccination appointments for residents age 18 and up. You must sign up before March 9th to be added to the list. Get added to the list of vaccine recipients by contacting:
Please include your:
✓ Name:
✓ Date of birth:
✓ Age:
✓ Occupation:
✓ The community or town you live in:
✓ Phone number:
✓ Email address:
Recently, Sierra County Public Health (SCPH) changed the protocol for people interested in getting a COVID-19 vaccination. The change was made in an effort to prioritize Sierra County residents who wish to receive a vaccination. At this time, SCPH is only vaccinating Sierra County residents who can show proof of residency at the time of their appointment.
One proof of address document will be requested at your vaccination appointment.
Please bring one of the following documents to your appointment:
Valid Driver’s License
Property Tax Receipt
Posted mail with name of applicant
Utility bill
Lease agreement or mortgage statement
Insurance card
College enrollment papers
Bank or credit card statement, insurance policy or bill