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Spring Community Meeting May 19

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

The Sierraville Firewise Community Spring Meeting is just around the corner on May 19 at the Sierraville School beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Sierraville is very close to becoming a certified Firewise USA community! In order to qualify, documented hours of efforts made toward creating defensible space around your property must be submitted. PLEASE, print the Volunteer Hourly Worksheet form and write in any time or expense you have invested this spring, and either:

  1. Bring the form to the meeting and turn it in

  2. Scan it and send to Mike Blide:

  3. Mail it to Sierraville Firewise at PO 204, Sierraville, CA 96126

FireSAFE Sierra County has a stellar new website FireSafe. It is a fantastic resource with information about home hardening, emergency alert systems, burn days, air quality, and many other topics of importance.

Most importantly, there is a Wildfire Preparedness Questionnaire on the site, so please take a moment to fill it out. It is designed to gather information to better understand your most pressing wildfire safety needs and concerns, and to more adequately serve Sierra County communities. Armed with this data, FireSafe will be better prepared to assist all of us with our concerns. You may also encounter some local Firewise board members in your neighborhood passing out hard copies of this survey as well. Doing it online is easy, and saves time.

Community Chipping Day is scheduled for June 12. This FREE event will happen at the Sierraville Rodeo Grounds. A special thanks to Cindy and Lacey Maddalena and the Sierraville Roping Club who have agreed to stage the Chipper there for this event. Chipping of slash is an excellent alternative to hauling to the dump as the chips provide a quality mulch that will lessen the dust at the Rodeo Grounds, and reduce the air quality and safety issues inherent in burning. You will need to register for a time slot in order to bring your organic slash to be chipped. Registration will be happening at the Spring Community Meeting. Please start clearing your brush, trimming your trees, and dig into the important defensible space work necessary to make your home more resilient to wildfire.

It is vital that all residents of the region be informed about the threat of wildfire and how it can be managed. Your participation matters!


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